Saturday, April 16, 2011

Malaysia is Ninth Friendliest in the World

Today's News at the STAR (16 April 2011) : MALAYSIA IS NINTH FRIENDLIEST

Wow, impressive yeah !? We ranked number 9 on the top ten of the friendliest countries in the world … Yes, I mean the World! Neither region nor continent. The result was based on the survey done by HSBC over 4,000 people from more than 100 countries between April and June 2010.

We are so proud leh after all the nine countries that in the list are non-Asia countries. We are just behind countries of Canada, Bermuda, South Africa, United States, Australia, Spain, France and Britain …. The 10th is Germany.

For me, I do agreed Malaysian generally are friendly people except some small group people (especially those "ada duit" one) would show their nose pointing to the sky, eyes ball stuck at the forehead and with two big holes facing your face that you are so disgusted with the amount of hairs that make you feel like vomiting all food that you ate yesterday … LOL .. hehehe, a bit overly exaggerated.

After I picked up the hobby of street photography, meaning walking around the streets in Kuala Lumpur to capture photos of people and the surrounding, I meet many people from all walks of life. As a street photographer, our skin need to be "ticked" as elephant skin because you are taking photo at people that you don't know. You would never know after the "click" sound, will you get scolded by the person …. #$%^&#@@!!?

hahah… I bet all street photographers would experience this. If you haven't experience this before but you said you have done street photography, I doubt your "qualification" or you are just a liar, self denier or maybe dumb-dumb enough of not noticing people scolding you … hehehehe

Anyway, that category of people belongs to a small group only. I meet many people who are very friendly while I take their photo. When I smile at them and they will smile back to you.

I used to went out with my friends for photowalk, we love walking on the street especially places like Chow Kit, Petaling Street, Batu Road, Pudu and such. Many people won't mind us taking their photos, some even friendly enough to chat with us or even pose for us with a big smile.

Let check out some street photos that I took during my photowalk, they're showing us what is friendly is all about. It was a wonderful time to associate with them. Chat with them and make friends with them.

Yes, thank to those people, they are part of the contribution factor that made Malaysia a better place to live and also made Malaysia the ninth friendliest in the World.

Brovo, Malaysian …

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