Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blame facebook for your failed marriage?

Wife said "Hey, sayang, you CANNOT play facebook from now onward?"

"Why?" asked Husband.

"For the sake of me and the kids loh, Dear .."

Husband turned around stare at his wife with big question face  (^___^??) …

Wife smile and said "Dear, our Senator was saying FB cause the rising of divorce cases"

" Ha! (> ~~ <!!)…????

Husband's jaw dropped …

month open wide with a hole ….

and Speechless ………...

(The above conversations were reported happen in many parts of Malaysia) …. LOLz


Today Newspaper (28 April 2011) – The STAR reported Senator Ahmat Husin blamed Facebook for the increase in divorce case …

First thing in the morning when I read about this news, I immediate type his name and Google for image of our "beloved" Senator wanting to see how he looked like ….

Ha! Ha! Ha!  …. K-Poh attitude strive again lah !!

I do that is not to check whether is he liang cai (handsome) or not … but just want to match whether his face resembling to any of the images in my mind of a lusty looking old man with mind of nothing but filled with Sex and Lusty desires…. and also saliva dribble from his chin …. hehehehe

Unfortunately cannot find him …….

This reminds me some passed news for similar content that quoted by some leaders / politicians of our country, For example, blamed woman dressing that cause men lust !? or rape rates gone up !? …. one person said men have affairs as wives "neglect" her duty!? … I remember reading news about women should wear chastity belts to prevent rape crimes …. (If you don't believe it, type in all these key words and Google, Bingo!! you may find those news I mentioned about  ….. )

Come on, why a Senator had such a shallow mind …..

If your marriage is broken, don't blame facebook! Blame yourselves because it is YOU who are looking for sex in the facebook (or internet) !! Even if facebook not available, if man want to lust and sleep around, do you think he can't find a mean?  It is his characters or attitude to be blamed for not loyal to his wife, please don't simply blame others …..

I am a heavy user of facebook and I meet many genuine and kind hearted people. They are my friends now and we share common interest like photography. It is an insult to all of us who are using facebook. Please don't label us with dirty mind when you are dirty …

Goash … Malaysia Boleh again, now Malaysia is famous in the international scene if this news went abroad. People sure laugh at us for being narrow and shallow minded …

Wake up, leaders of the country … Please be vigilant of what you say out. So shameful lah!!

Early morning, kenal rant for it !!! Errrrr…… 

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