Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Day is My Birthday

When I reached 50 years old, I felt time flies and getting older. Sometimes, I keep reflecting memories of my past years, I was trying hard to recall memories when I was young. those incidents when I was in primary school, secondary school, college life, and even things that happen after I started working. I think about some decision that I wrongly made, I imagined if time can go back, what will be changed in my current life. Time past never comes back, those hours and hours that I have wasted will not return back to me. 

My body started to feel "old" already, certain body parts started showing inflexibility, my strength deteriorated, certain part of nerves/joints feeling stiffness and pain. After 50 years old, body aging is something that I can feel and it is real to me. Looking at the mirror, wondering where is the handsome man that I know go?

Today is my 54th year birthday, I did not expect much celebration, as usual, the whole family will go out for dinner, usually will pick a better restaurant. This year, my son Andrew started his work, and he is gracious enough to buy his dad a Korean BBQ dinner. I do enjoy the meal bought by my son. The baby of the yesteryears has become a grown man now. I wish he does well in his career.

Recently, I discovered an inspirational YouTube channel, the Youtuber is called Alvin (艾尔文),in his channel, you may find a lot of motivation and inspiration video clips, I so enjoy his sharing. I was benefited by listening to his sharing. I feel more positive and energetic. No doubt many hours of life wasted but is still not too late for a change. Life is unpredictable, we don't know how many years to live, the control lies in the hand of God. But one thing that we can do is continue to live positively, do something good and inspiration to others, and at the age of 54 years old, I believe I still can do a lot more thing and live a life that I want.

Today is my birthday and a new leaf of life. I wanted to do something in next12 months from now, i.e., from September 2019 to August 2020. Below is the listing that I wanted to achieve:
1) To learn Hang Yu Pin Yin method, I will write something (when I learned from Alvin 艾尔文 or other similar areas) in Chinese.
2) Challenge myself to do something that I dare not do, i.e., I want to start my channel on YouTube !!!!!
3) To do exercise daily before sleep
4) To learn something new via online learning platform/youtube or read a book.
5) To achieve 2 devotions in a week

In order to start a channel in YouTuber, I need to learn how to do that. I have no idea how to begin. I have tried a few recording on myself sharing a book and the result is so horrible. I dare not post it on my Youtube. I need practice, practice, and practice. 

Lately, I came across the Skillshare app. It is an online platform that allows people to share their knowledge, skills, know-how. This is a paid site, costing either usd100 per year or USD15 per month, I signed up this app because they offer two-month free usage, I can decide whether I want to continue or not later. I told myself to have fun learning.

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今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...