Saturday, August 21, 2010

Expensive Postage in Malaysia

You do not need a economic expert to tell you that our inflation rate of our country Malaysia is high.

I used to think a standard mail postage is about RM0.30 but until my company need to pay for the insufficient stamp in order to receive mails, I realize that the postage rates in Malaysia are no longer cheap.

The cheapest cost to send out a mail of less than 20 grams is RM0.60 each and if your mail weight between 20-50 grams you need to pay RM0.70 each, somemore, if the size of the envelope not fits to the standard mail specification. You need to pay extra cost of RM0.10 to RM0.20 more for the same contents.

If you assume that Pos Malaysia will not follow the rule and still deliver your mail. You are wrong because you may not be the person to pay but receivers will be charged for the insufficient stamp, on top of it, they will be fined RM0.50 to RM1.00 more depending on the shortage amount. Unbelievable !!

This is my experience, a person send a cheque to the company using a brown envelope (which is very common and the size is within the specification) with a stamp of RM0.30 but it was deemed non-standard, hence, required a RM0.80 stamp. However, because of shortage of RM0.50, the Company has to pay RM1.00 more in order to collect the mail. If the receiver refuse to pay the fine, it will become unclaimed mail because there are "Loo Loo" sender who never put the returned address. I wonder what POS Malaysia is going to do about the mail? Imagine if someone send something valuable? Who is finally having it? emmmm...??

Enclosed below is the postage guideline set by POS Malaysia for your reference, so that you would caught yourselves in embarrasses moment when your friend complain on you..... You may click here for more information.

Guidelines on Postage Rates
(For Zone A - Asean countries only)

For Standard Mail

Above 0 to 20 grams - RM0.60
Between 20 to 50 grams - RM0.70

For Non-Standard Mail

Above 0 to 20 grams - RM0.80
Above 20 to 50 grams - RM0.80
Above 50 to 100 grams - RM0.90
Above 100 to 250 grams - RM1.00
Above 250 to 500 grams - RM2.00
Above 500 to 1000 grams - RM3.50
Above 1000 to 2000 grams - RM5.50

Definition of Standard Mail

Size of envelope:
Maximum - 165 (H) - 250 (W) mm
Minimum - 90 (H) x 140 (W) mm

Maximum - 6mm
Minimum - 0.25 mm

Weight - Between 0 - 50 grams

Envelope must be sealed

No staple at the envelope

Bottom margin at envelop must leave blank - 15mm

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sad news from RFM 988

I felt sad and sorry to hear that my favourite Talk show's DJ, Jamaluddin has been axed from air at Radio RFM 988 with the reason for his recent remarks causing racist tension. I know freedom of speech comes with responsibility and one cannot simply said something untrue and mislead public. However, over all these months since Jamal becoming DJ at the morning talk show at RFM 988, almost every morning, I will listen on my way to office. I found that his comments and remarks seem reasonable and are resonating with the hearts of many listeners. Deep in most listeners' heart knowing that he is speaking the truth and the authorities should have an open heart to hear the voices of his people.

This event has stirred up many reactions from 988 listeners, thousand and thousand of SMS and online messages flew in to 988 facebook but regretted that the owner of RFM 988 choose a negative approach by closing down all the DJ's Fan Page in facebook.

By comparing to many news articles written by main stream newspaper which many believe it was closely link to the ruling coalition which is closely monitor, or some statement made by certain NGO such as Perkasa, in my opinion, these messages somehow cause more tension amongst the people of Malaysia especially in the Chinese and India community. But no action has been taken against them, why?

The PM promotes slogan of 1Malaysia and hope for unity among nation, I agreed the 1Malaysia is the right thing that Malaysia should be moving, but unfortunately many are giving it a blind eye for their own propaganda. If the policy of the country unable to apply fairness, how to have unity? 

Although MCMC has given warning to the Company but I hope this problem can be resolved amicably and I hope that the owner of 988 would adopt more moderate action to deal with this issues. Don't lose the heart of its listeners, after all, the listeners are very supporting 988 all these years .

We need a more tolerant Malaysia whereby freedom of speech is truthfully live. I also hope that Jamal will return to 988 soon and bring more news to the public.

I hope my hope is not just a hope.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Learning Tai Chi Chuan

Due to various health reasons and still facing obesity problem despite having exercise in gym, I decided to learn Tai Chi Chuan 太极拳.

Tai Chi Chuan 太极拳 is a Chinese martial art practiced many centuries in China for both its defence training and health benefits. It emphasizes hard and soft martial art techniques which involve internal strength control, breathing exercise and moving in slow movement.

All these years, I am hoping to learn this martial art but I don't know where to learn. So, I decided to search in the internet. Nowadays, seaching information in internet is very easy and convenient; I type in Google search for "leaning Tai Chi at ", relevant websites will appear and I find a Tai Chi Chuan training center near my house.

I started my first class of Tai Chi Chuan yesterday night. There are about 30 people and most of them are elderly. I think younger generation not interested in Tai Chi Chuan because of the slow movement and it takes patience to practice the arts.

Begining, the master said we need loosen up our body, not only physically but emotionally. It is so true because city lives generally are stressful. In this competitive world, especially those who live in Kuala Lumpur, life here is moving so fast, generaly people are feeling stressful and tension. I wouldn't be surprise many are suffer stiff neck and muscle.

On the other hand, I have my day dream about one day I can be a Kung Fu master that flight like the Karate Kid. Ha! Ha! I imagine one day I use my Kong Fu to beat up the bad guys…….wow.. Lol

So I stand there, carefully observe and follow the movement of the master. It is a simple movement whereby we are moving both legs and arms slowly. We kept repeating the same movement again and again until it becoming natural. The whole night, I just learn two movements but my knee is feeling soreness … but I still looking forward for the next class.


今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...