Monday, March 7, 2011

Photo Walk at Putraya and Night Photography

Finally, I managed to squash some time off to write something about my T.T on March 5, 2011. After a solid 12 hours journey of photography T.T, I am damn tired and exhausted. My friend, Yeow proclaimed he felt sick on photography and seeing photo, he felt like vomiting, walau, so serious ARrrrr… !!? I think he got himself over-dosed and having indigestion of photography. Hahahaha ….

I started the T.T as early as 12 pm, then at 5 pm, the workshop started and the session ended until 12 am midnight, a solid 12 hours non-stop in T.T … What a record breaking for me!

In my earlier post, I told you I'm attending a Night Photography Workshop at Putrajaya on March 5, 2011. The workshop is starting from 5 pm at Maritime Restaurant, Putrajaya. But few of us, Yeow, MK, DLC and I decided to do some daytime photo shooting. So, we meet for lunch at Gong Xi restaurant at Puchong, after lunch we started our journey.

The first place was the famous mosque at Putrajaya… the place crowded with many people especially tourists. As we wore the typical T.T dress code - T'shirt and tiga suku short pant, without proper attire, so we cannot go in. Any, I also don't feel like going in too. We just hanging around the entrance and took some nice photos.

Yeow, being the street photo expert, was paying more attention on the people than anything else. He and DLC, were having fun times "interacting" or "chasing" after some kids at the entrance. Luckily, they meet a super friendly parent; they were okay to let the two KOKOs to play with their kids ….  

Then, we walked around despite under hot sun, It was a mistake as we forgotten to bring sun block lotions, we all ended up suffer sun burn for staying too long under the sun.

We drove surrounding putrajaya for photo shooting. One thing about Putrajaya, you can find many beautiful buildings. Some of the shot turn out to be awesome …..

At 5 pm, we went to Maritime restaurant; it is located at the lakeside whereby you can find people having boat ride and water sports. You will find a jetty and noticing some small yachts parked there.

Toward the evening, other Pen lovers were slowly showing up. The workshop sifu, David Chua started off the session. I basically did not pay too much attention, because feeling tired and hungry. I think I remember a few important pointed for night photography. The most important thing is to do a lot of practice. BTW, at least this time, Olympus is kind enough to provide dinner and I found the food is acceptable.

After dinner, the climate of the session was the practical time. We all gather in small group and giving opportunity to practice some night photography techniques that we learned from David… it was fun especially when we try the light painting …I truly enjoy the shooting despite I felt tired.

Generally, I consider someone so called "elder" (I don't use older .. LOL) and started feeling tired, I guess sometime when you went out with younger people, you need stronger stamina to "tahan". Despite getting late at 12 am midnight, they wanted to have supper, walau, so we went together to cyberjaya for food, afterall, I was feeling hungry too… After food, they stayed on to chi-chat but I went off earlier to rest. I cannot fight with these young people liu, they are so energetic … J

If you want to see more, please click at my photo album at flickr :

TT 5 March 2011 418

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今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...