Monday, December 28, 2015


今天28号,终于去曼谷的日子到了。這是今年的 Family trip. 時间过得很快,赶到踏上年终列車旅行去啰!

現在klia2机㘯,人山人海,想check-in 行李也很困难,幸好大家行李可以手提入机艙,不用跟其他人擠。原本大家但心行李里的液体可能不过检查. 但我们custom 都很放心放行,看来保安对我们"真好"。



P.S 剛剛講完,当到樓下等待庁,又有一关, 保安就比第一关嚴,我兒子就损失一支新買的hair spray。不知高兴还是不高兴?

Saturday, December 19, 2015



2015年又快这样走了,还有几天就新年,但手上的工作好像做不完, 蛮大压力的。

寫了3天的中文blog, 又好像懒了回去。


1。 老婆表妹结婚,在 5☆ 级的 Ipoh Banjaran Resort 山洞里举行级宴,蛮特别的。

2. 上个星期周末,因为孩子们都参加camp, 跟老婆过下2人世界,特跑到 Bukit Tinggi 的 the chateau organics wellness spa resort. 地方美丽高贵,服务態度一流,是一座古堡式的度假村,又有spa and massage treatment. 雖然价钱贵了一点,但也物有所値。最主要跟老婆感情也好了。

3. 在月尾,还有一个family tip. 這一次带家人去泰国曼谷遊玩几天。希望是一个美好的旅行。

回想,忙碌中不可忘与家人spend quality time.... 他们不只是我每天动力来原,也是扺抗厭力最有效的方法。


Saturday, November 21, 2015




所以今天跑去 Kelana Jaya 那大型的游泳池,原本炎热的天气,敢敢到了時天公下雨。不过还好,池水还蛮温暖。这泳池的长度应该是奥林匹克的標格,所以对我酱久没游泳的干鸭子,蛮大挑战的。果然到第五轮我已吃不消。




以下是我小兒小時游泳的照片,现在,叫他跟你去游泳,他都不采你啰 !

Friday, November 20, 2015


每天都在忙碌,常不知不觉想起应該帶家人去旅行時,当拿起日记薄,望着已经安排满满的公司会议,天天如些,真的不好受,奈何为五斗米而折腰。。。如果book久一点的日子,又怕到時拿不到假,又可能与一些die die must attend meeting 冲突.


不过难是难,。但是只要有心人,还是事在人为。所不管3421, 我 book 了!



Thursday, November 19, 2015



我這个blog 寫了几年,越来赿死,已经没有当初刚寫部落那种熱誠,不知要寫什么,加上英文文法不强,越寫赿没feel, 所以就尝試用中文来,自己的母語嘛,应該可以的。


Monday, July 27, 2015

My Home Chef - Making of Fruit Tart

I never blog about my home chef before ... i.e., my elder son, Andrew.

Andrew decided to venture into culinary word, since young he loves cooking, it will be good for him to venture into this areas. I believe when a person is passionate with what he is doing, the chances of success will be higher when he takes it as a career.

Since he joined the diploma course in culinary school at KDU, I can see the passion of his cooking growing leap and bound. Almost everyday he will be cooking something in the kitchen. Especially, when exam is approaching, he will cook repeatedly with many attempts until meet his satisfaction.

This round, I heard the exam is relating to pastry ... so recently, I notice him working very hard to make pantry stuff ... such as fruits tart, quiche, pie, sweet roll etc ...

Wow,  Look like I have so much opportunities to try his pastries ... hehehe, although it may fulfill my craving for sweet stuff but I hope it doesn't increase my sugar level. I got to control myself, don't simply eat !!

Yesterday night, it was very late, and it already passed midnight at 2.15 am, I woke up and still see Andrew working hard to finish his fruits tart, I am very proud of him that he possess such a passion and determination to cook every pastry that he think it might come out from the exam. He will continue trying to do until it reaches his expectation. Almost every night, he will make one or two pastry desserts ... I am glad that he has such a passion. 

Just like to share some of the deserts he had made. they looked awesome, isn't it  ... 

 These tarts are not only look beautifully but yummy too ... I am proud of you, Andrew.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

3 good things in life

While on my way home, I heard a radio program. The DJ was interviewing a guest (I really don't know whose that guy was) but his sharing caught my attention. He said in order to become a positive person, one need do have the heart of gratitude for everything in life, he suggested we should list down 3 good things that happen to us on daily basis before go to sleep. Then, slowly, the heart of gratitude will slowly change us to become a better and positive person.
So, let me take this blog to start my journaling to record 3 good things of today:

1. I think God has blessed me with good staff, as now two days from Hari Raya, many staff especially the Malay staff have started going on leave or in holiday moods already. But yet I have one Malay lady staff who is willing to stay back late to finish my work.

During fasting period, Malay staff can go off from work earlier at 5 pm every day, but this staff of mine, she willingly to stay back untl 7 pm to make sure I get the report. I thank God for having such good and delegated staff to help me.

2. Yes, summon is bad thing. If you broke the undang-undang on the road,  you will get fine. Over the years, I notice I have 3 summons haven't settled, one is caught talking on mobile phone while driving, one caught in speeding and one is traffic light offend. I estimated about RM750, so I procrastinate as it involves big sum.

Well, I am gratitude that now I am working with car rental company that has good rapport with PDRM, so I managed to get a good discounts. Thanks God I just need to pay RM210 for the 3 offends. So I settled today !

3. The last but not least, good things that happen to me is everyday when I come home, dinner is ready for me. I feel blessed because my wife doing it everyday without fail. It is not easy to do it everyday to cook for the whole family but yes ... I am graceful of my wife who is willing to do it.

Thanks God for the 3 good things today!!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Walaueh ... I see spider web

Ahyoi. I am seeing spider web in my blog ...

I even have the problem to recall what blog name of my own blog ... "Scary!!!"

I need to go back to to find where my blog is ...

Finally I decided to use back my name ... despite I am changing blog name after another, I don't see it right and remember it. It just doesn't give me the sense of belonging.

Nevertheless, I still can't get back my previous blog name tzeemeng as someone had used the name, so, I have no choice but to use my full name. 

Well .. take it easy.. let start blogging again ...


今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...