Fishing Village at Sekinchan is equally famous as compare to the paddy fields, many residents at Sekinchan started as fishermen, over the years, from a small fishing village slowly turned into a larger township. This place is famous with quality seafood due to the freshness. I believe many people willing to travel miles to enjoy the food here especially weekend.
I think the above restaurant is famous because at least I see this guy poster here, Ah Sien, a famous TV host who always recommend good food in Malaysia. Will he be the quality assurance? I am not so sure but at least he is the "San Chew Pai" now for the restaurant .... hahaha
Well, we were not sure what food to eat, so we asked the owner to recommend a few famous dishes. For me, I thought the food was good, however, not as good as I expected.
Until I tried the stir fried shrimp with sambal which was super tasty. Emm ... yummy, but the only complaint was the small portion.
I think sometime, food is not the critical factor for happiness, but rather a good company having lunch together is the best. We were like a bunch of hungry ghosts, within a short period of time, we wallop all food on the table ....
Second part of our journey began after a heavy lunch, It was just a short walk from the restaurant. When we walked along the river bank, we spotted many fishing boats were parked at the wooden jetty. Some fishermen gathering there to relax but some were busy fixing their fishing nets. The weather was hot and feeling sleepy but it was awesome site for photo shooting ... shutter sounds were clicking away to capture the authentic scenery of a quiet and harmonious fishing village.
Wow, everyone there was so relax. The folks were friendly and approachable. They are not camera shy and won't mind us taking their photos.
Before we went back to Kuala Lumpur, we went to nearby beach. To be honest, Sekinchan beach is not fantastic, in fact is rather dirty and muddy. I didn't see anyone swimming. The ocean wave went very far during low tide. It was kind of dirty when the seabed surface from the water.
We found an unique double story tree house at the beach. The tree house is very unique, many netting were fixed in between tree branches, so it was great to lay down and enjoy the windy breeze from the sea ....
Look how enjoy I am seated on the nets to have a short relaxation ..... wow ... like heaven woh ..
We saw a few kids playing at the beach ...... My friends went down to "kacau" (disturb) them and to take their photo, luckily they are friendly enough and did not treat us as "strange uncle (怪叔叔)" and freed away.
hahahaha ...
run run ... quickly run, behind got 怪叔叔 (strange uncle) ... run for your life ..... wakakakaka (evil laughing )
hahaha ... but at the end, we are the one who are runaway from those kids because of their over whelming curiosity and hospitality, the kids kept surrounding us to check out our camera gears ... uncle ... uncle ... what is this? ..... uncle uncle .... can you take a photo of me .... uncle, uncle .... can I touch your camera .... uncle ........ oh .. run !!
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Photo taken by Koon Yik |
Before we leave the place, we saw a married couple taking outdoor photo shooting ... our Wedding Photographer Robin Wong, quickly took his camera to check on what his competitor was doing ....
No matter how fun is it, toward the end, time to say farewell .... it was a fun trip for me. It was tough for me to follow my friends who used to travel to many places on Saturday for photo shooting due to my work commitment. Well, whenever timing is right, I will try my best of not letting go the opportunity to go out with them.
They are simply awesome group, fun to hand around with and stress free group of people. .....
Good bye Sekinchan, time to go home ..... Home sweet home ...... I will come back to visit you again :)
wow...nice post! love the shots