Today radio station channel 988 asked, are we having more negative posts or positive posts in our facebook? Well, generally people are more negative than positive, but sometime leaving grouches or grumbles feedback in the facebook would release some inner stress from our body and also allowing our friends to know our state of mind so that they can cheer us up or console us. That what's friends are for ... isn't it?
But today, I spotted a forum that I would called beyond negative. The forum focuses on a friend, Robin Wong as the target for criticism at his recent blog post on the review of the newly launch camera - Olympus OM-D EM5. The forum is with the title "The Robin strikes again ...", the forum started with an extreme opening, "Robin's review is up again. I'll wait for you guys to decipher / criticize what he has mentioned." Off course, subsequent posts were over whelming by so called expert in criticism ... ops, sorry i mean expert in photography, started posting bad remarks on Robin....
Olympus OM-D EM-5 |
Wow, after reading all these remarks, I "memang beh tahan" (in English, it means I can not stand it), so I spontaneously register myself to give my 2 cents worth of comment-lah. Sound like the Robin Hood saving the poor Robin ... hahahaha....
For all the friends who are k-poh (busy body), you may visit the forum post here, or let me cut and paste my response from the forum so that you can read easily....
Base on my logic thinking, it is quite acceptable on what Robin had
written. Just like you see a pretty woman and you think she is the most
beautiful woman you ever seen and you tell everyone about it. But later,
when you meet another woman who is even more pretty than the earlier
one .... what should you said? Is it wrong to say you saw the most
beautiful woman when you have said the same thing on somebody else
already? I guess E5 is good at the point of time if without comparison, but after
new technology and improvement come out ... an experience photographer
would sense some differences in the improvement, it is "normal" to quote
one is better than another one despite the facts the earlier it was
best at that time.Robin write up is more on his own users point of view and it is unfair
to expect him to criticize the weakness of the camera. He also qualified
himself earlier this is non professional review and I guess finding
bone in an egg would be asking for too much. Just like criticize he did
not comparing with other manufacture's camera.Tell you the true, I am a fan of robin's blog and a friend too (I just
register for the sake of this post and he didn't even know it) ..... I
guess you would think I am bias on my comment because we are friend. It
is already "disqualified" here ... hahahah. Anyway, I am not boarder, I
believe constructive criticism is good and pointed out for improvement,
but unfortunately I could not find constructive here but just criticism
after criticism ....Well, I guess it is the freedom for anyone to comment or to criticize,
we can't force people to like us, right? .... but I choose to be
positive and to give good compliments because it made me feel good.
Sorry, Raist3d, I disagreed with you.
It is so refreshing to see something like this on the internet. I'm working on a project that will feed the homeless quality food, provide life coaching and financially support independent natural and organic food stores. Check it out if you get a chance and join my campaign. Please tell others.
Thank you!
Chet W. Sisk