Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A friend was robbed last thursday

Kuala Lumpur crime level is getting bad to worse. Despite the authority claimed crime rates are under control and bla bla bla .... but the incident that happen to my friend tell us the true fact about the crime level in the city. I enclosed the email for your attention and please be aware, robbers nowadays are getting daring and fearless, at the broad daylight do such an act ....

----- Original Message -----

From: Celine
To: Undisclosed
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:32 PM
Subject: MUST READ - I was robbed last thursday

Hi, if you are receiving this email, it means you are a good friend and i have something IMPORTANT to tell you.

If you haven't seen my facebook, i was robbed last Thursday at the traffic lights in Section 17. Long story, short story, my car window was smashed and my Prada and Dior and handphone taken. I gave chase. I still feel traumatised till today. Trinkets can be replaced but confidence and security is a different matter.

As i was retelling the tale last night at Green View Restaurant in SS2 yesterday, a lady who was smoking outside got robbed of her bag too.

On the same day i got robbed, another acquaintance got kidnapped outside her house. She was forced to reenter her Myvi. Her bag was given to an accomplice in another car. They drove her to a very secluded area behind Bank Negara. She begged to be let go and when her driver agreed, the accomplice car came beside her car door to block her from coming out. He said she has seen their faces and cannot be let go. So they continued to drive and her robber got a bit scared i think as he was very young, decided to let her go and ask her to run for her life. She hid in the bushes for an hour till the sun came out.

So my dear friends, please spread the word around and do something about your safety. I am gonna be very vocal about this to whoever i meet. The police wont do anything. I have a few suggestions:

1. Keep your handbag small so that you can slit it under your seat or in the dashboard.

2. Drive a car higher than a motorbike ie Hummer, Triton, etc

3. Do not stand outside for a smoke – time to quit smoking ladies.

4. Be careful when entering your house or exiting. Who you think is your neighbour's bf could be the next robber/kidnapper.

5. Lastly, do not chase your robber. They might intentionally take you to a small street where an accomplice is ready to rob/kidnap/rape/kill you.

I REALLY MEAN THIS and everytime i see you, i will ask you about your handbag. Please note and take care.

Celine Chan
Eclipse Comm Sdn Bhd - Advertising & Design
L5.10 Wisma BU8,
11 Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

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