Saturday, October 16, 2010

My DIY Trip to Taiwan

I'm planning a trip to Taiwan next year. I am not follow any tour packages and is a DIY trip which I need to plan from zero. I'm looking into every single detail itinerary so that family and friends would have a wonderful trip. I need to do more researches about Taiwan, especially finding place to stay and transport arrangement.

Luckily, a friend recommended a Taiwan friend, Mark who provides chauffeur service in Taiwan. Thru his recommendation, we booked a spacious 3 bedroom apartment in Taipei which only cost NT14,000 for 5 days.

In addition, Mark quoted me with a reasonable rate for bringing us around in Taipei and the surrounding places. He provided a few options to me and I decided the following plan:-

Day 1 : PM3:00 Departure from Taoyuan Airport to Taipei 離開機場往台北 -> PM4:00 Check in to Apartment 抵達住宿處 -> PM5:00 出門逛街 Visit Taipei 101 and Night Market(101大樓 ; 通化街夜市)-> PM11:00 Return 接回住宿處

Day 2 : AM8:00 永和豆漿 創始店 Having breakfast(早餐)-> AM9:30 中正紀念堂 Visit National Chiang Kai-Sek Memorial Hall -> 高速公路 access to highway ->11:30 基隆港 Visit Kee Lung -> PM12:00 基隆廟口 Lunch at famous Kee Lung hawkers centre (Miao-kow Keelung)(午餐)-> PM2:00 野柳 Visit Ya Liu -> PM4:30 陽明山小油 坑火山地形 Visit Yang Meng Sang -> PM6:00 馬槽花 藝村晚餐+泡溫泉 Dinner in Yang Ming Sang and enjoy a Hot SPA -> PM8:00 陽明山 花季夜間賞櫻花 Night visit to Yang Ming Sang viewing Cherry (Sakura Flower) Blossom at night ->PM9:00 士林夜市 Visit Shilin Night Market

Day 3 : AM8:00摩斯米漢堡(早餐)Having Breakfast -> AM9:30 六福村(或小人國) Visit Leofoo Theme Park / Miniature Garden -> PM1:00 離開上 高 速公路 access to Highway -> PM2:30 十三行博物館 Visit Shihsanhang Archaeological Museum -> PM5:00 八里渡船頭 (坐渡船到淡水) Arrive at Bali Ferry and take a boat ride to Danshui -> PM6:00 淡水 (晚餐淡水老街) Seeing sunset at Fisherman’s wharf / Shopping and Dinner at Danshui, -> PM11:00 回台北 Return to Taipei

Day 4 : 復興南路 清粥小菜 (早餐)Breakfast -> AM9:30 宜蘭 Visit Yilan +蘭陽博物館 Visit LanYang Museum -> PM2:30 出發到黃金博物館 Visit Gold Ecological Park -> PM3:30 太子賓館、黃金採礦 坑參觀 Visit Gold Mining -> PM5:30 -> 九份老街 Visit Jiufen -> PM9:00 回台北逛街 Return to Taipei

Day 5 : 自由活動 Free and Easy (Travel by MRT)(故宮士林官邸西門町 (Xi Men Ting) 、 華山藝文中心、 忠孝復興站SOGO百貨、 市政府站百貨群) Will travel around Taipei by MRT / Must visit is the Floral Expo and National Museum.

Day 6 : 由活動 (市政府站百貨群: 101, 誠品, 三越, 東急) 早上送 至SOGO解散, 下午在誠品集合, 直接去機場,不回飯店拿行李 Check out and do the final round of Shopping, Go direct to Airport. Return to Malaysia.

Wow …. I feel like travel tomorrow ... can't wait until next year !!! 

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今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...