Dear friends,
I am wishing you and your loved one with a Blessed Chritmas and Wonderful New Year.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My Taiwan Trip's Planner
Day 1 (Tuesday)
Departure from LCCT at 9.50 am. Arrival at Taoyuan Airport at 3.45 pm. Baucher will pick us up at the Airport at 4.00 pm. After one hour drive from Touyuan to Taipei( 48 km / 59 min). Check-in to a 3 bedroom apartment at 5.00 pm. Rest for a while, Baucher will bring us to Shilin Night Market (士林夜市 [劍潭站]) or 华西街观光夜市 or 饶河街夜市 or 西门町观光夜市 for dinner and shopping.
Day 2 (Wednesday)
Wake up at 7.00am and departure for Breakfast. At 7.45am, breakfast at 鼎泰豐 (DingTaiFong), famous with steamed dumpling. After one hour, at 9am, visit 中正紀念堂 National Chiang Kai-Sek Memorial Hall to see the performance of the soldiers' handover routine show. At 9.45am, Baucher will bring us to Yang Ming Shan 陽明山 (21 km / 53 min), plan to visit Yang Ming Shan twice (day time and night time), so that we can view the cherry blossom in two different environment. At 11am, Baucher will bring us to Keelung (34 km / 45 min). At 1pm, lunch at the famous 基隆廟口 Keelung Miew-Kow Hawkers' center. plan to walk around keelung town and take some pictures. At about 2.30 pm, Baucher will bring us to 野柳 Ya Liu. At about, visit 陽明山小油 坑山地形 Volcano's crack, a volcano release outlet of steams. At about 5pm, visit Cafe Avatar 台北奧萬大」-(偷閒賞楓咖啡座,是陽明山上一處冬春賞楓、炎夏避暑,偷閒賞景喝咖啡的好地方), a relaxing place for a cup of coffee (and tea) at Yang Ming Shan. At 7pm, to view the night scape from the Yangmin mountain especially the night cherry blossom. At about 9pm, visit 馬槽花藝村晚餐+泡溫泉 (Village of Ma Chow Wu Yee for dinner and hot spring). may consider viewing the night scape at one of the mountain top :- 仰德大道台灣神學會附近、文化大學後山、竹子湖觀景台. At about 11pm, return to Taipei.
Day 3 (Thursday)
Check out at 7.30 am and having breakfast at 復興南路 清粥小菜 (早餐), then, at 9.30am, Baucher will bring us to Yilan宜蘭 (52.9km/ 1 hour 15 min). 11am, visit LanYang Museum 蘭陽博物館. At 1pm having lunch at Yilan. At 2.30pm, check in to 九份民宿 龍門客棧 Dragon Inn at Jiufen. After check in, we will visit the Gold Ecological Park , Prince Inn, Gold Mining 黃金博物館 太子賓館、黃金採礦坑, 黃金瀑布 . At about 6pm, visit Jiufen 九份老街 (more 1) for dinner. After that, we can relax at jiufen and enjoy some Chinese tea while admiring the night scape of Jiufen 選茶館泡茶賞夜景.
Day 4
5.30, View Sun Raise (more 1) at Jiufen.
Wow ... I think I have to stop writing .... If you want to know about my trip, please check out the future post with regards to Taiwan Trip ....
other links
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Renew Passport in Malaysia
I have been to Immigration department several times. For me, is a crowded place and it takes whole day just to renew the passport!!? I refuse to renew my passport even it has expired because I am scare of the long waiting hours. However, foreseeing overseas trips in coming months, I have no choice but to go through the “torture” again.
Prior to the day, I try to find out how many nearby immigration branches but very disappointed to find only two outlets at Kuala Lumpur, one is at the Damansara which is the main branch, another located far end corner of Kuala Lumpur at Wangsa Manju. The branch near my office at Wilayah Complex which someone told me “nobody-punya” (not so crowded) unfortunately closed. In Selangor, the nearest is at Subang Terminal but also crowded with people. After considerations, I decided to go Damansara branch thinking it will be faster due to more manpower at the main branch level.
On the day, I woke up earlier than usual, rushed into the Immigration Department. When I drove in, I saw an open air parking bay next to the building and happily turning in. While passing by the auto gate, I saw the parking rate table and to my horror, oh my goodness, the first hour is charging RM6.00 and RM3.00/hour for subsequent hour. You don't need a mathematician to figure out if I stuck in Immigration Department, say 6 hours (quite normal), then my cost easily be RM21.00. This is too much, like a day time robbery. Later, I lagi frustrated when I found out the basement parking in building is charge much lesser. It charged on RM3 for first hour and subsequent hour at RM1.50/hour only.
This is the Parking Bay I mentioned. I don't know the name but you won't miss this car park when you reach the area. |
Oh Goodness!! What’s a wrong decision to park there, (1) the parking is located further from the Immigration office; (2) it is not even a cover parking which means my lovely car is under the torture of the hot sun or the rain. Why pay more and getting less ….. Ah yoh. Stupid system – what's a dog eats dog world. So I re-parked my car after 2 hours lapse. If you are happen to read my blog, please please please take note of this blood sucker and let boycott this stupid parking bay.
Anyway, after I entered into the immigration office, wow, so long queue, the queue was started from the counter, right across the hall and move on to the corridor, and it was a terrible countless long queue…… What can I do, wait-loh. You see, in Malaysia, our genius department is very talented, they ask you to queue for number first, after you “qqq” queue for the number, you need to queue for form submission, after you have submitted the form, then you have to wait and queue again for payment. After the payment, you need to wait again and again for the completion of passport. What a lengthy process …….
Finally, I got my number and it was at least 100 people away from my turn ... ah yoh....
As I was walking around and notice banner about Kiosk, out of curiosity, I asked around and I was told I can renew passport at the Kiosk. After searching for it, the Kiosk outlet was located a few blocks from the main branch (I don't understand why it has located from another place .... like scare people would know about it.. lol)
There are about 20 people there, but with 2 Kiosks working (2 out of order), I only queue for 20 minutes and it took a few minutes more to register my old passport including the payment. A small slip of acknowledgment is then printed out from the Kiosk informing me to go to a special counter after 1 hour at 10am.
There are about 20 people there, but with 2 Kiosks working (2 out of order), I only queue for 20 minutes and it took a few minutes more to register my old passport including the payment. A small slip of acknowledgment is then printed out from the Kiosk informing me to go to a special counter after 1 hour at 10am.
The Process of Kiosk is simple, please read above. |
Deep inside me, I felt sorry for those who came earlier in the morning for queuing using the traditional way. I think the Immigration Office should expand this Kiosk services in a bigger scale and do more publicity. People should be educated to use the process. I even won’t mind come one day earlier after work and return to collect the passport the following day.
This Banner said "Siap 1 Jam" (Finish by 1 hour), who can believe it !! Lol!! |
With my smart move, now I can take my own sweet time seating at the air-con restaurant for breakfast and surfing internet while waiting for my new passport. Cut the long story short, it indeed faster as compare to the traditional way. The only mistake I made was that I assumed I would get my passport after 10 am. So I did not follow the slip return to the counter by 10 am, I gave them another hour thinking by 11 am, my passport should be ready. But when I reached there, oh-no, I was given another number again. Because I had taken a later number, those people who had queued behind me have finished earlier than me. I have to wait one and half hour more before I got my new passport. Ah - Yah ...
Too Late |
By the way, just to let you know, although the Kiosk operating hour is stated from 7.30 am to 3.00 pm, don’t believe it, all Kiosk will become "out of order" by 9+ am, it force to close because of the backlog at the backend office. Therefore, If you are renewing your passport using Kiosk, you still need to go there early. Good Luck
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Take Train In Kuala Lumpur
I travel with car where ever I like to go. I believe most people who stay in KL do the same because (1) we have rather good highways in KL that link easily to many places, (2) we have rather lousy public transport system, we called LRT (Light Rail Transit) that link with limited places and very inconvenient to travel. Malaysia’s LRTs are operated by various operators (LRT, monorail, KTM, KLIA Express) and their connections between stations are lousy. I have been hearing from my office colleagues complaining with their services suck such as late arrival, insufficient of train services that causes delay or over-packed in the train etc.
However, occasional, during lunch hours, I do take opportunity to travel by train. Instead of having lunch at nearby places, I like to travel to a bit further places for lunch. My office has two nearby operators, one called LRT (previously known as START) and another called KTM (Keratapi Tanah Malaysia). I like to borrow my friend monthly passes to travel ‘freely”).
But now, I want to tell you an incident that very “fish” (embarrassing) that happen to me in last month (why fish? It is because in Cantonese word, embarrassment is same pronunciation as “fish”. … hahaha!!). It has happen in KTM train. I would not blame myself but I would blame the operator that comes out with this “weird” policy. I remember KTM operator has implemented a new ruling a few month ago that certain train cabins are restricted for “lady” use only. If you are non-Malaysian, please do not be surprise…. In Malaysia, such thing do happen, in Kelantan, you may even find male and female cashier counters, so, when you queue up for payment, make sure you stand at the right lane …. Can you believe it !!? LOl….
So, I think by now you know what happen to me. Although there are sticker sticking on the window cabin, but during rush hours, who can see? It has blocked by people. No wonder when I walked into the cabin, all the ladies gave me a stare look. The cabin was packed with people (ladies) and I am standing in between. Initially I wasn’t notice until I saw a reverse signboard on the window. Oh, my goodness, no wonders everyone look so funny, I am the only leaf among the roses (Kekekekeke!!) and I have to wait for a few stops before my destination arrive ….
Anyway, in the next stop, I quickly rushed out and entered into another cabin without such restriction. Huh!! What a relieve, man!! The cabin has less people and everyone has a place to sit comparing to the earlier cabin because all the ladies went and stuck in the “lady” cabin and make other cabins so empty.
So, if you are a foreigner visiting Malaysia, please take note of such policy, don’t end up like me in an embarrassing moment!! If you do, just enjoy the moment. Wahahaha!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What the Heck is Aperture ? A Good Write Up.
Sometime you may find hidden treasures in the internet. While I was surfing for information on photography editing tools, I clicked into a “Lady” website called “The Pioneer Women”. Wow! When you see this type of website which was fully dedicated to lady, as a man figure, what is your first thought? Well, we (all man) will normally click back key or anything link to get out from the website (Ha! ha! excuse us because of the men ego centered).
But hang on! Before I manage to click away, I saw this title “What the Heck is Aperture?” It is a series write up about the Aperture and things related to camera. It caught my attention because I am interested in photography. Recently I even paid to attend photography workshop hoping my skill can improve. Although after workshop, my brain still very much confused and stuck in aperture setting, shutter speed setting, shallow field of depth etc, etc, etc …. like a plate of Rojak (Malaysian famous dish with all sort of fruits mix around using prawn paste sauce).
But, wow! I find the write-ups were fantastic, she used simple English, the way author wrote like she is talking to you verbally (although in writing format). The write-ups are very clear and easy understand. She is gifted in writing and made many readers enjoy her writing.
Anyway, cut the long story short, for people like me that wish to know more about “what the heck” thingi of the “A”, “S” “M” and etc on your camera, you may check out this website.
Or, If you like to take camera and you wish to know How to Start a Profitable Photography Business, check out this site : Click Here!
Bye, see you (LOL, start to write like her …. Hei, Hei, Hei)
Oh, Oh, Oh, I almost forget, tomorrow is Deepavali, so I take this opportunity to wish all my friends who celebrate Deepavali, A HAPPY DEEPAVALI, may the festival of light fill with joys and happiness to you and your family.
Cheer :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
First Time Visit KLPF 2010
I don’t remember I know KLPF (Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival). Even if I have heard about it or see it before, it doesn’t matter to me because I am not interested. Well, it is not that I don’t take photographs; I do, in fact, I love taking photographs and carry my digital compact camera with me most of the time.
Until recently, after I bought my new camera – Olympus Pen E-PL1, I became interested and be serious in photography. I sign up photography workshop, start mixing with other photo fraternities. I sign up flicker, start posting photos to get comments from others. I start giving comments on other photos too. I change the way i shoot photos, previously, I take photograph on people that I know but now, I take photo on strangers, funny stuffs, surroundings etc… I even drove to Taman Tasik Perdan with purpose to take photos only …..(Oh dear! I think I got “addicted” … hahaha!)
Cut long story short, Now, I’m interested in KLPF. I visited the recent 2010 KLPF which was held at Mid Valley Exhibition Hall on 29 – 31 October 2010 and I am really enjoy it.
Cut long story short, Now, I’m interested in KLPF. I visited the recent 2010 KLPF which was held at Mid Valley Exhibition Hall on 29 – 31 October 2010 and I am really enjoy it.
The Photography Festival was fantastic. There are many booth selling camera and accessories with special discount, free gifts and many more. Special snap zones were created for visitors to take photographs. The organizer organized activities such as photography workshop, fashion show, talk shows to attract the publics. Celebrities were invited to live up the environment. Many stunning photographs were displayed in the hall for viewing. Wow, all these efforts aimed get people like us to be excited.
The only regret is that I didn’t reserve much times attending workshops because of my prior appointment. I hope next year I would be more prepare when attend the festival. Emmm, Look forward the next year event.
If you want to see more about the photographs, you may visit my flickr account at the following link:-
If you want to see more about the photographs, you may visit my flickr account at the following link:-
Friday, October 29, 2010
Editing Photographs can be very FUN!
Hey, have you ever playing COLOR in a photo. I guess many people just downloaded their photographs for viewing and then just keep them in their computer hard disk (or even in camera memory card). Some will post photographs in some social online photo album network such as facebook, flickr, picasa and many more, for sharing. A friend David, recommended me a photo editing software, it is a freeware (which mean you do not need to pay money). After downloaded the software, I found it is very users friendly and photograph editing no longer a difficult task. I started testing on the color function, brightness, contrast etc.... and "Da! Da!" It turned out to be very FUN!!
You may check out the following photographs ... you may said "Wow"
You may check out the following photographs ... you may said "Wow"
This is an original copy taken by a phone camera:-
The blue background really made the red light lantern eye catching.
What a contrast!!? the green and red are crashed but it gives stunning effect.
I like the sepia effect because it helps me seeing thing in a different manner.
The original photo was taken by a Nokia Xpress phone, therefore, you can see that the original copy is not really fantastic. But after I'm using the software editing tools, it became more beautiful.
Photograph editing can be fun, if you want try and download the same software, you may click at the following connection -
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Beauty of Nature
In KL, Butterfly Park is one of the place to get closer to the nature ....
I like green landscape inside the Park because it gives the feeling of calm and peace. Especially green plants are glowing everywhere. The refreshing water flowing from the waterfall turned the environment even better. It chase away all the heat of the whole day.
I like green landscape inside the Park because it gives the feeling of calm and peace. Especially green plants are glowing everywhere. The refreshing water flowing from the waterfall turned the environment even better. It chase away all the heat of the whole day.
Harmony surrounding, the tone and contrast of light and shadow have made the photo beautiful..... I am feeling that I am in the midst of the rain forest.
There are many beautiful creatures flying around - butterfly
It is really joyful to admire the all these beautiful butterfly and flowers. We all have the duty to protect and preserve the beauty of our mother nature.
Therefore, please don't simply throw rubbish, learn to recycle all the waste. Although some people may think it is a small thing, but over period of time, your small actions can become a great impact to our Earth. Therefore, protect the Earth so that the beauty of the nature can be preserved with love and care.
It is really joyful to admire the all these beautiful butterfly and flowers. We all have the duty to protect and preserve the beauty of our mother nature.
Therefore, please don't simply throw rubbish, learn to recycle all the waste. Although some people may think it is a small thing, but over period of time, your small actions can become a great impact to our Earth. Therefore, protect the Earth so that the beauty of the nature can be preserved with love and care.
Monday, October 25, 2010
My first outing to snap photographs
Finally, I made up my mind to go Lake Garden this Morning. Later I found out the place is called Taman Tasik Perdana. The purpose of the trip is to explore my new toy - Olympus E-PL1 and I also need to submit a photo to David, trainer for professional photography, for review. This is home work after I attended his training session.
TTP is a beautiful place, you can find a butterfly park, bird park, orchid garden and many more places there. Due to time constrain, I managed to cover two places only - Butterfly park and orchid garden.
I was con at the entrance to the butterfly park, the signboard stated adult entrance fee is RM18.00, I asked the lady whether Malaysian entitle for cheaper rate, but she did not answer me. So I bought entrance ticket of RM18.00. However, upon exit to the place, I over heard the tax driver telling other passengers that RM8.00 for mykad holders .....
Nevertheless, it does not spoil my mood ... I am busy learning photographing, although the park is not fantastic and the orchid garden has a few orchids, I think the number of butterfly is much lesser than the Penang one. But the fun of using my new camera and the fun of testing every shots, are enough to make me enjoy myself.
I have taken almost 500 pictures, until my batteries went flat. Anyway, as a first timer, it is satisfy by looking at the photos. I have shortlisted 80 photos to share with you.... I hope you like it.
I meet this little girl, butterfly flew to her shirt ... so cute.
Click at the picture and it links to my flicker photo album.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
My first Olympus Traning Workshop
This is my first time learning professional photography. Thank to my mentor and trainer, David Chua, he had given many inspirations and knowhows. Now, at least I am understand what is speed, aperture and ISO. I am eager now to test on my camera.
Below is the photographs that I took after the training session. Look, see how serious David is in sharing his personal experience and knowledge with other students.
Click here to see more photos
Friday, October 22, 2010
My New Toy - Olympus E-PL1
All these years, I'm using Olympus compact digital cameras. Despite many times I changed camera; I stick back to Point-n-shoot camera because it is rather convenient and hassle free to operate.
Lately, I admire many nice photographs on the internet posts. Those photographs are so beautiful. No matter how I tried using my existing camera, I couldn't get the same result. So, I decided to "indulge" myself with a better and more expensive camera - DSLR camera.
Lately, I admire many nice photographs on the internet posts. Those photographs are so beautiful. No matter how I tried using my existing camera, I couldn't get the same result. So, I decided to "indulge" myself with a better and more expensive camera - DSLR camera.
But again, there are so many DSLR branded cameras in town, such as Nikon, Canon, Sony etc . Which one is suitable? I’m searching around for a while, I meet many promoters but they are either impatient or lack of knowledge about the camera, I ended up with disappointment.
This is the lady promoter that I mentioned in my blog |
Only recently, I met a lady promoter who is selling Olympus and she managed to explain the functions of the camera clearly. At the end of the presentation, I already know almost 80% of the camera. She is not just keen in selling the camera, but she was rather patience to teach me how to use the camera. I was glad of her service and bought the Olympus E-PL1.
Although it is not a full DSLR version, it is something in between of DSLR and Point-n-shot camera. It is new hybrid camera that has Micro Four Thirds with mirrorless interchangeable lens. It produces quality pictures comparable to some of the expensive DSLR camera. But most important, is the service level that influence me to purchase it.

Wow, can’t wait to try some of his ideas in photo shooting, will share with you in my future blog.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A friend was robbed last thursday
Kuala Lumpur crime level is getting bad to worse. Despite the authority claimed crime rates are under control and bla bla bla .... but the incident that happen to my friend tell us the true fact about the crime level in the city. I enclosed the email for your attention and please be aware, robbers nowadays are getting daring and fearless, at the broad daylight do such an act ....
----- Original Message -----
From: Celine
To: Undisclosed
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:32 PM
Subject: MUST READ - I was robbed last thursday
Hi, if you are receiving this email, it means you are a good friend and i have something IMPORTANT to tell you.
If you haven't seen my facebook, i was robbed last Thursday at the traffic lights in Section 17. Long story, short story, my car window was smashed and my Prada and Dior and handphone taken. I gave chase. I still feel traumatised till today. Trinkets can be replaced but confidence and security is a different matter.
As i was retelling the tale last night at Green View Restaurant in SS2 yesterday, a lady who was smoking outside got robbed of her bag too.
On the same day i got robbed, another acquaintance got kidnapped outside her house. She was forced to reenter her Myvi. Her bag was given to an accomplice in another car. They drove her to a very secluded area behind Bank Negara. She begged to be let go and when her driver agreed, the accomplice car came beside her car door to block her from coming out. He said she has seen their faces and cannot be let go. So they continued to drive and her robber got a bit scared i think as he was very young, decided to let her go and ask her to run for her life. She hid in the bushes for an hour till the sun came out.
So my dear friends, please spread the word around and do something about your safety. I am gonna be very vocal about this to whoever i meet. The police wont do anything. I have a few suggestions:
1. Keep your handbag small so that you can slit it under your seat or in the dashboard.
2. Drive a car higher than a motorbike ie Hummer, Triton, etc
3. Do not stand outside for a smoke – time to quit smoking ladies.
4. Be careful when entering your house or exiting. Who you think is your neighbour's bf could be the next robber/kidnapper.
5. Lastly, do not chase your robber. They might intentionally take you to a small street where an accomplice is ready to rob/kidnap/rape/kill you.
I REALLY MEAN THIS and everytime i see you, i will ask you about your handbag. Please note and take care.
Celine Chan
Eclipse Comm Sdn Bhd - Advertising & Design
L5.10 Wisma BU8,
11 Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
----- Original Message -----
From: Celine
To: Undisclosed
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:32 PM
Subject: MUST READ - I was robbed last thursday
Hi, if you are receiving this email, it means you are a good friend and i have something IMPORTANT to tell you.
If you haven't seen my facebook, i was robbed last Thursday at the traffic lights in Section 17. Long story, short story, my car window was smashed and my Prada and Dior and handphone taken. I gave chase. I still feel traumatised till today. Trinkets can be replaced but confidence and security is a different matter.
As i was retelling the tale last night at Green View Restaurant in SS2 yesterday, a lady who was smoking outside got robbed of her bag too.
On the same day i got robbed, another acquaintance got kidnapped outside her house. She was forced to reenter her Myvi. Her bag was given to an accomplice in another car. They drove her to a very secluded area behind Bank Negara. She begged to be let go and when her driver agreed, the accomplice car came beside her car door to block her from coming out. He said she has seen their faces and cannot be let go. So they continued to drive and her robber got a bit scared i think as he was very young, decided to let her go and ask her to run for her life. She hid in the bushes for an hour till the sun came out.
So my dear friends, please spread the word around and do something about your safety. I am gonna be very vocal about this to whoever i meet. The police wont do anything. I have a few suggestions:
1. Keep your handbag small so that you can slit it under your seat or in the dashboard.
2. Drive a car higher than a motorbike ie Hummer, Triton, etc
3. Do not stand outside for a smoke – time to quit smoking ladies.
4. Be careful when entering your house or exiting. Who you think is your neighbour's bf could be the next robber/kidnapper.
5. Lastly, do not chase your robber. They might intentionally take you to a small street where an accomplice is ready to rob/kidnap/rape/kill you.
I REALLY MEAN THIS and everytime i see you, i will ask you about your handbag. Please note and take care.
Celine Chan
Eclipse Comm Sdn Bhd - Advertising & Design
L5.10 Wisma BU8,
11 Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Distance between Cities in Taiwan
As a foreigner, I do not know how far a distance from one destination to another destination in Taiwan. When I travel, it is important to know because I don't want to waste too much time on the road, Thank to Google map, my problem has resolved. I'm roughly know the distance and the direction of location where I am heading to. It saves time and able to plan my Taiwan trip more effectively.
From Taoyuan to Taipei City - 48 km (59 minutes)
From Taipei to Keelung - 34.4 km (45 minutes)
From Taipei to Yang Ming Sang - 21.6 km (53 minutes)
From Taipei to Yilan - 52.9 km (1 hour 17 minutes)
From Taipei to Hsinchu - 79.3 km (1 hour 27 minutes)
The above destinations are places that I will visit in my next trip to Taiwan.
From Taoyuan to Taipei City - 48 km (59 minutes)
From Taipei to Keelung - 34.4 km (45 minutes)
From Taipei to Yang Ming Sang - 21.6 km (53 minutes)
From Taipei to Yilan - 52.9 km (1 hour 17 minutes)
From Taipei to Hsinchu - 79.3 km (1 hour 27 minutes)
The above destinations are places that I will visit in my next trip to Taiwan.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My DIY Trip to Taiwan
I'm planning a trip to Taiwan next year. I am not follow any tour packages and is a DIY trip which I need to plan from zero. I'm looking into every single detail itinerary so that family and friends would have a wonderful trip. I need to do more researches about Taiwan, especially finding place to stay and transport arrangement.
Luckily, a friend recommended a Taiwan friend, Mark who provides chauffeur service in Taiwan. Thru his recommendation, we booked a spacious 3 bedroom apartment in Taipei which only cost NT14,000 for 5 days.
In addition, Mark quoted me with a reasonable rate for bringing us around in Taipei and the surrounding places. He provided a few options to me and I decided the following plan:-
Day 1 : PM3:00 Departure from Taoyuan Airport to Taipei 離開機場往台北 -> PM4:00 Check in to Apartment 抵達住宿處 -> PM5:00 出門逛街 Visit Taipei 101 and Night Market(101大樓 ; 通化街夜市)-> PM11:00 Return 接回住宿處
Day 2 : AM8:00 永和豆漿 創始店 Having breakfast(早餐)-> AM9:30 中正紀念堂 Visit National Chiang Kai-Sek Memorial Hall -> 高速公路 access to highway ->11:30 基隆港 Visit Kee Lung -> PM12:00 基隆廟口 Lunch at famous Kee Lung hawkers centre (Miao-kow Keelung)(午餐)-> PM2:00 野柳 Visit Ya Liu -> PM4:30 陽明山小油 坑火山地形 Visit Yang Meng Sang -> PM6:00 馬槽花 藝村晚餐+泡溫泉 Dinner in Yang Ming Sang and enjoy a Hot SPA -> PM8:00 陽明山 花季夜間賞櫻花 Night visit to Yang Ming Sang viewing Cherry (Sakura Flower) Blossom at night ->PM9:00 士林夜市 Visit Shilin Night Market
Day 3 : AM8:00摩斯米漢堡(早餐)Having Breakfast -> AM9:30 六福村(或小人國) Visit Leofoo Theme Park / Miniature Garden -> PM1:00 離開上 高 速公路 access to Highway -> PM2:30 十三行博物館 Visit Shihsanhang Archaeological Museum -> PM5:00 八里渡船頭 (坐渡船到淡水) Arrive at Bali Ferry and take a boat ride to Danshui -> PM6:00 淡水 (晚餐淡水老街) Seeing sunset at Fisherman’s wharf / Shopping and Dinner at Danshui, -> PM11:00 回台北 Return to Taipei
Day 4 : 復興南路 清粥小菜 (早餐)Breakfast -> AM9:30 宜蘭 Visit Yilan +蘭陽博物館 Visit LanYang Museum -> PM2:30 出發到黃金博物館 Visit Gold Ecological Park -> PM3:30 太子賓館、黃金採礦 坑參觀 Visit Gold Mining -> PM5:30 -> 九份老街 Visit Jiufen -> PM9:00 回台北逛街 Return to Taipei
Day 5 : 自由活動 Free and Easy (Travel by MRT)(故宮、 士林官邸、 西門町 (Xi Men Ting) 、 華山藝文中心、 忠孝復興站SOGO百貨、 市政府站百貨群) Will travel around Taipei by MRT / Must visit is the Floral Expo and National Museum.
Day 6 : 由活動 (市政府站百貨群: 101, 誠品, 三越, 東急) 早上送 至SOGO解散, 下午在誠品集合, 直接去機場,不回飯店拿行李 Check out and do the final round of Shopping, Go direct to Airport. Return to Malaysia.
Wow …. I feel like travel tomorrow ... can't wait until next year !!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Is Coffee Good or Bad to you?
I love coffee but people telling me not to drink too much because coffee bad for health. Therefore, one day, I typed in google search "Is coffee good or bad?" The result turned out surprising, our understanding about coffee is a myths. My findings are below:-
Drink at least 3 cups of coffee daily are less likely to suffer memory loss. (French study by researcher Karen Richie, of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research).
A morning cup of coffee followed by a workout can help to fight skin cancer (Researchers at New Jarsey's Rutgers University).
Men who drink large amounts of coffee (6 cup or more) are 59 percent less likely to develop gout. (Canadian and American researchers - June 207 issues of Arthritis and Rheumatism). It could be due to coffee has strong antioxidant.
Drink at least six cups of coffee daily are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. (researchers from University of Minnesota). Each additional cup of coffees consumed in a day may achieve 7 percent reduction in the excess risk of diabetes. Hence, if drink three to four cups a day had a 25 percent lower risk than those who do not drink coffee.
Coffee has high antioxidants that can help curb inflammation and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (Research from the University of Oslo and the University of Minnesota). Coffee can inhibit inflammation and lower risks of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, including arthritis.
Tomas DePaulis, PhD researcher at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, said, "the studies show that coffee is far more beneficial than it is harmful.". People who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to 80% lower risks of developing Parkinson's disease. Drinking at least 2 cups per day can lead to a 25% lower risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in the risk of liver cirrhosis and nearly 50% the risk of gallstones.
However, the articles pointed out that don't go for the commercial coffee such as Starbucks, because of high amounts of creams and sugars. People should also aware that coffee do have the side effects, when overdose, it may cause insomnia, nausea, irregular heartbeat, breathing difficulties.
In conclusion, I think every thing we consume should be in moderate form. Don't overdose ourselves even coffee has many health benefits. At least I know now I can enjoy one or two cups of Coffee a day without worry so much.
Cheer..... :)
Cheer..... :)
Source :
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fun time in September 2010
It has been a while of not updating my Blog. I was busy with my company's business plan on September month. Anyway, at least now I relax a bit because I have submitted to my bosses before the deadline. Yeah Hoo. I hope not much of amendment after their review (keep the two fingers cross .....)
It has been an exciting month (September) for me, not only I was busy preparing the 2011 business plans, I also need to organize Members Get Together for members of Legend Worldwide Holidays at The Legend Resort, Cherating. In addition, I also need to attend the Malaysian Timeshare Federation Meeting at Swiss Garden Damai Laut at Lumut. Thank God, all these things were smoothly carried out.
The Members Get Together (MGT in short) is a yearly event, although the turnouts were not very encouraging but it was fun.
My favourite part of the MGT was the telematches. It was realy fun and excited to see competitions being carried out.
Let me introduce the 3 exciting teams - The Cobra Yes, The VictorTeam and The A-Team .
Let me introduce the 3 exciting teams - The Cobra Yes, The Victor
The A-Team
The Cobra yes
The Victor Team
This first game was Balloon Making; each team required to blow as many balloon as possible. Look at the 3 grow up kids, they looked very happy.
Many played bowling before, but have you tried coconut bowling? It is real fun and not easy to roll the ball (coconut). The rule said, the ball must be rolled from the mid field and cross the pink line. You can't throw the coconut directly, it won't be counted if you don't follow the rules.
3rd game - Balloon race - Look at the photo, both adults and children are really having fun. Run, run ...... but don't drop your balloon .....
Balloon war - This is my favourite game. Each participant tied a balloon at their leg, This is a war game whereby each participant would break others balloon by stepping on it, the last person with the balloon will be the winner. This time, I purposely divide them into three categories - The Man group, The Lady group and Children Group. It is fair isn't ....
I made sure all members got wet, so I arranged passing balloon game whereby each person would passed a balloon to the person sited behind him/her. Off course it wasn't easy because the balloons were filled with water. If you throwed too hard, "Blast", the water will splash all over your face .... hahaha.
Time to get wet, really WET. All participants required to run to the sea and get themselves wet, and then, they need to rush back to the beach and fill their bottle with the sea water squeeze from their cloths.
hahaha..... everyone get wet ..... Except me because I am the camera man mah .....ops!! watch out!! someone is throwing a water balloon to meeeeeeeee.... run, run for your life ... hahahaha LOL…. !!!
By the way, if you wish to visit this place, you may visit (just do some advertisement. hahaha!!)
By the way, if you wish to visit this place, you may visit (just do some advertisement. hahaha!!)
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