Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A 37-Years Seperation

What is 37-years mean to you? It is indeed a very long duration for most people. Generally, human live about 70 years old averagely, and 37 years are more than half.

After 37 years, I finally reunion with some of my old classmates during my primary school time. I knew them since standard one, about 43 years ago, ever since our graduated from primary school in 1977,  I never see them at all. 

Time sometime is very strange, while everyone is staying around KL, especially a few stayed near my area,  but we never notice and meet up, not a single time. Except just one friend who is still in touch, however, suddenly, through this friend that I knew, I have been invited to a WeChat group...

Woow!! This is awesome, in the chat group, I meet back all my long lost touched classmates again, there are 18 of them being added into the group and the number is increasing. My friends are trying very hard to trace back all those long lost touched classmates. In the group, most of us are meeting up first time ever since we were graduated. I couldn't recall some of their names ... 

Time is like a wash detergent, it washed away many things, good or bad. Many of my childhood memories had watched away and leave with minor memories in broken pieces, but after chatting for a while, more and more pieces of my memories flashed back in my mind.

The WeChat's room has becoming my favorite place to hang around, I enjoy reading conversations between classmates. Mostly still communicate in mandarin, but I try my best to use my "half pass six" mandarin to communicate with them too. I felt close and warms again for using back my mother tongue to communicate. Since started working life, I seldom using Mandarin. But a after a while, I feel my Mandarin improved a lot.
In the group, there are a few outspoken ones, very talented and great command of mandarin. Excellent writing skill and do create many funny and entertaining conversations, love it !!.. 

Some are very touching and emotional too.

I just enjoy each other company, sometime friendship does not necessary disappeared over period of time, if time is right, it is like wine, it becoming more smooth over period of time. I guess our friendships are like that loh.

Thank to 慧丽, 长发,彬龙, 建昌 等等

You guys are awesome. They have taken efforts to scan this memorable photos in high resolution and take efforts to put our names and reconnect us back ....


Next, I am looking forward for an old classmate get-together, I can't wait to see them in person.Hahaha!!Yeah!!

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