I wasn't happy with my recent changed new blog name, from tzeemeng.blogspot.com to espresso-break.blogspot.com. I don't have the "feel" about the name. Initially, I wanted the name "coffee-break" but it had been taken by somebody. In fact, I tried other favorite name searches but not available. I Google those blogsite but many are not active. It is kind of frustrated to see all these in-active blogsites occupying some wonderful name.
In Cantonese, it called "阻止地球转" !! (literally translation is "stopping the earth turning", it means blocking others to use the good things)
Today, I decided to change my blog name again...
I called it colordotinlife.blogspot.com ... It makes up words - color dot in life.
For me, our life have many phases or moments, all these moments can be symbolized into little dots... some are happy dots, some are not so happy dots. Dots that have vibrant colors symbolize happiness, excitement etc but dots with darker one will be the opposite way. Whatever is it, let color our life with vibrant color dots as many as possible.
Journaling in this blog is like recording my life's moment ... I hope I can record some of the life "thingi" that give good memories.
One day, when my strength is fallen and grow old, I believe what I wrote in this blog over a period of ling time, will become a treasure of life that give many memories ... Even when I am not there, my grand children also can come and find out a little bit of what their grandpa doing in life....
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