My new job is full of challenges, but I think I will survive. Hee hee, this is called confidence mah.
I just gone thru a 5 days intensive orientation, and it is just the tip of an iceberg. I need to understand more about the businesses and products. So, I predicted the coming months will be busy and tune into heavy learning mood, and blogging will become secondary. I hope you can bear with me.
In hand, I have two blog post materials but until today, I still couldn't find any opportunity to write it down. one is the happy steamboat that I wish to share, the other one is the recent TT (Photowalk) in KL. The uniqueness is Yeow managed to loan 3 units of newly launch EP3 camera and a 12mm f2 lens from Olympus for testing. I also asked Yeow to loan the 3 lens converter, ie., wide, fisheye and micro lens converter for testing because I have intention to buy.
Now, blogging is become easier because I purchased an IPad. The add on blog press, an IPad blogging application, is very useful for me. I can now write blog offline or anytime, any place I like. It is going to be easier for me.
Wow.... Infact this blog post was written using iPad blogpress.
Below photo was taken just now while I was having a cup of coffee.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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