今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法:
1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如何形成的呢?都是小雨点变成河流,河流汇聚百川而流进大海。集少成多而成的。财富也一样,现金流就像河流一样,所以我们需要掌握每一块钱的流向。
2. 建立自动化存钱系统。 目的是更专心放在累计资产上。自动化存款可以帮助我们不知不觉把钱存起来。
3. 开始学习预算。 尽量量入而为, 不可用超过你赚的钱。把钱分配好,跟着分配好的用途来消费。 建议以下分配模式:
50% 生活消费
10% 投资理财
10% 学习成长
20% 长期支出
10% 娱乐消费
4. 摆脱身上的贷款, 理财之前现理债。 务必要用最快的方式来还清债务,把要支付的利息留在口袋里。
5. 改变收入的结构, 开起多重收入来源。我们不能保证单一收入可以养活自已到退休。我们需要拥有两个以上的收入来源。依赖性收入是依赖公司的生存能力不是我们的工作能力。此时就要警惕了。
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
看了艾尔文影片, 感觉很正面。他与我们分享什么为快乐?
我发觉只有听,学习不到, 所以我把它记录起来。今天所要探讨什么样叫快乐?如何取得快乐? 以及如何提升自己的快乐?
取得快乐容易吗? 幸福感容易取得吗?我们生活中有许多压力,导致生活不快乐,但是我相信可以改变的。我们来看看艾尔文如何教导我们。艾尔文的分享可以分为三部分:
1) 什么是快乐 (What)
2) 什么是快乐的公式 (Happy Formula)
3) 什么是有效的提升快乐感 (How)
1) 什么是快乐?
快乐可以分为两种, 一种是内在和外在的快乐,一种是短暂性和长期性的快乐。外在和短暂性的有如我们吃了很好吃的巧克力,看了一场好电影, 或许公司加薪等等, 我们会感觉快乐,可惜不长久, 这是一种外在和短暂的快乐。我们要的是长期性和内在的快乐,是连续的, 但是如何提升我们的长期快乐呢?
2) 找到做事的成就感
2) 快乐的公式 是 H=S+C+V
H = 快乐连续长度
S = 快乐的范围 - 指可以影响我们快乐的东西,它有高低, 比如吃很好吃的pizza, 开始吃时, 第一片可能带给你很快乐,但吃的多时,久而久之快乐慢慢消失, 因为它的影响力会越来越少。对一件快乐事情的习惯, 快乐就慢慢减少。
C = 现在的环境 - 环境可以改变但是不容易。
V = 自己控制因素 - 这是我们可以控制的,可以分为三种: 过去式,未来式 和 现在式。
3) 如何提高快乐感?
A) 过去式 - 你是否对过去的事情耿耿于怀, 不能够释怀吗? 我们不要被过去绑架。
B) 过去式- 要对未来抱持乐观, 我们的大脑对未来都是报以怀疑跟恐惧,因为它要爱护我们。 我们要改变看事情的角度, 可以分为四种:
iii) 普遍性
很多不好的事情是暂时性的, 也不只是我一个人遇到。
C) 现在式 - 对现况感到满足, 要对现在的生活满意。 感恩的角度看待事情, 更有动力来生活, 更有信心去面对挑战。
我发觉只有听,学习不到, 所以我把它记录起来。今天所要探讨什么样叫快乐?如何取得快乐? 以及如何提升自己的快乐?
取得快乐容易吗? 幸福感容易取得吗?我们生活中有许多压力,导致生活不快乐,但是我相信可以改变的。我们来看看艾尔文如何教导我们。艾尔文的分享可以分为三部分:
1) 什么是快乐 (What)
2) 什么是快乐的公式 (Happy Formula)
3) 什么是有效的提升快乐感 (How)
1) 什么是快乐?
快乐可以分为两种, 一种是内在和外在的快乐,一种是短暂性和长期性的快乐。外在和短暂性的有如我们吃了很好吃的巧克力,看了一场好电影, 或许公司加薪等等, 我们会感觉快乐,可惜不长久, 这是一种外在和短暂的快乐。我们要的是长期性和内在的快乐,是连续的, 但是如何提升我们的长期快乐呢?
2) 找到做事的成就感
2) 快乐的公式 是 H=S+C+V
H = 快乐连续长度
S = 快乐的范围 - 指可以影响我们快乐的东西,它有高低, 比如吃很好吃的pizza, 开始吃时, 第一片可能带给你很快乐,但吃的多时,久而久之快乐慢慢消失, 因为它的影响力会越来越少。对一件快乐事情的习惯, 快乐就慢慢减少。
C = 现在的环境 - 环境可以改变但是不容易。
V = 自己控制因素 - 这是我们可以控制的,可以分为三种: 过去式,未来式 和 现在式。
3) 如何提高快乐感?
A) 过去式 - 你是否对过去的事情耿耿于怀, 不能够释怀吗? 我们不要被过去绑架。
B) 过去式- 要对未来抱持乐观, 我们的大脑对未来都是报以怀疑跟恐惧,因为它要爱护我们。 我们要改变看事情的角度, 可以分为四种:
iii) 普遍性
很多不好的事情是暂时性的, 也不只是我一个人遇到。
C) 现在式 - 对现况感到满足, 要对现在的生活满意。 感恩的角度看待事情, 更有动力来生活, 更有信心去面对挑战。
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Day is My Birthday
When I reached 50 years old, I felt time flies and getting older. Sometimes, I keep reflecting memories of my past years, I was trying hard to recall memories when I was young. those incidents when I was in primary school, secondary school, college life, and even things that happen after I started working. I think about some decision that I wrongly made, I imagined if time can go back, what will be changed in my current life. Time past never comes back, those hours and hours that I have wasted will not return back to me.
My body started to feel "old" already, certain body parts started showing inflexibility, my strength deteriorated, certain part of nerves/joints feeling stiffness and pain. After 50 years old, body aging is something that I can feel and it is real to me. Looking at the mirror, wondering where is the handsome man that I know go?
Today is my 54th year birthday, I did not expect much celebration, as usual, the whole family will go out for dinner, usually will pick a better restaurant. This year, my son Andrew started his work, and he is gracious enough to buy his dad a Korean BBQ dinner. I do enjoy the meal bought by my son. The baby of the yesteryears has become a grown man now. I wish he does well in his career.
Recently, I discovered an inspirational YouTube channel, the Youtuber is called Alvin (艾尔文),in his channel, you may find a lot of motivation and inspiration video clips, I so enjoy his sharing. I was benefited by listening to his sharing. I feel more positive and energetic. No doubt many hours of life wasted but is still not too late for a change. Life is unpredictable, we don't know how many years to live, the control lies in the hand of God. But one thing that we can do is continue to live positively, do something good and inspiration to others, and at the age of 54 years old, I believe I still can do a lot more thing and live a life that I want.
Today is my birthday and a new leaf of life. I wanted to do something in next12 months from now, i.e., from September 2019 to August 2020. Below is the listing that I wanted to achieve:
1) To learn Hang Yu Pin Yin method, I will write something (when I learned from Alvin 艾尔文 or other similar areas) in Chinese.
2) Challenge myself to do something that I dare not do, i.e., I want to start my channel on YouTube !!!!!
3) To do exercise daily before sleep
4) To learn something new via online learning platform/youtube or read a book.
5) To achieve 2 devotions in a week
In order to start a channel in YouTuber, I need to learn how to do that. I have no idea how to begin. I have tried a few recording on myself sharing a book and the result is so horrible. I dare not post it on my Youtube. I need practice, practice, and practice.
Lately, I came across the Skillshare app. It is an online platform that allows people to share their knowledge, skills, know-how. This is a paid site, costing either usd100 per year or USD15 per month, I signed up this app because they offer two-month free usage, I can decide whether I want to continue or not later. I told myself to have fun learning.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Blogging or Vlog now ?
Nowadays fewer people are doing blogging, more and more people are doing vlog, that is using video capturing life moments and share in the youtube.
Vlog had changed the landscaping of the entertainment world. Previously, Television program is the main entertainment sauce for every household. But lately, lesser people are watching TV, with Netflix comes on board, lesser people are watching TV, just a smartphone with you, you have all the entertainment in the world.
That is why the watching rate for Youtube has been keep increasing, the number of viewers can reach million of million. More commercial advertisers are more willing to place their ads because million of subscribers to view their ads. That is a new form of career had been created, i.e. The YouTubers.
Not only celebrities move into YouTube to establish their popularity but even normal people also move into YouTubes, they share their lives, thoughts, willing to teach some of the skill like cooking, excel etc, create content especially jokes related program. The whole idea is to create viewers of their videos.
Many become famous Youtubers, some have became their full-time career and even earning a very good living. They will be paid depending on the number of their subscribers, and the number of advertising play in their youtube videos.
This is amazing.
It is not easy walking around and talk to a camera in front of the public. I think I will feel embarrassing for doing so, people surrounding us may give me a strange stare thinking I am crazy. This required a very tick skin to do so.
Lately, more and more Youtubers coming out and it has become a norm for a person holding a camera talking by himself while walking on the street. I think people on the street has lesser surprises since the action of a Youtuber no longer awkward to many people. After all, a successful YouTubers will not care about all these, their skins are tick and unpenetrable.
Hahaha ...
Check this out, I found the Fu Love Family is worth watching.
Come to think about, I always feel itchiness to start up my vlog. Ops ... can I take this challenge!!?
I scare people laugh die me ( literary translation saying in Cantonese).
Wait and see ... will I accept this challenge ?
Vlog had changed the landscaping of the entertainment world. Previously, Television program is the main entertainment sauce for every household. But lately, lesser people are watching TV, with Netflix comes on board, lesser people are watching TV, just a smartphone with you, you have all the entertainment in the world.
That is why the watching rate for Youtube has been keep increasing, the number of viewers can reach million of million. More commercial advertisers are more willing to place their ads because million of subscribers to view their ads. That is a new form of career had been created, i.e. The YouTubers.
Not only celebrities move into YouTube to establish their popularity but even normal people also move into YouTubes, they share their lives, thoughts, willing to teach some of the skill like cooking, excel etc, create content especially jokes related program. The whole idea is to create viewers of their videos.
Many become famous Youtubers, some have became their full-time career and even earning a very good living. They will be paid depending on the number of their subscribers, and the number of advertising play in their youtube videos.
This is amazing.
It is not easy walking around and talk to a camera in front of the public. I think I will feel embarrassing for doing so, people surrounding us may give me a strange stare thinking I am crazy. This required a very tick skin to do so.
Lately, more and more Youtubers coming out and it has become a norm for a person holding a camera talking by himself while walking on the street. I think people on the street has lesser surprises since the action of a Youtuber no longer awkward to many people. After all, a successful YouTubers will not care about all these, their skins are tick and unpenetrable.
Hahaha ...
Check this out, I found the Fu Love Family is worth watching.
Come to think about, I always feel itchiness to start up my vlog. Ops ... can I take this challenge!!?
I scare people laugh die me ( literary translation saying in Cantonese).
Wait and see ... will I accept this challenge ?
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今天看了艾尔文的频道, 关于有效理财的方法,他讲的方法,自己也很了解, 但是就不去做。今天我把它记录,再次提醒自己。要达到好的理财能力,首先要累计足够的资产。 要有足够的资产就表示有所牺牲。 以下有五种方法: 1. 用记账来掌握现金流的方向。 别放过任何一块钱的流向。大海是如...
On a normal working day, I decided to take a day off to bring my kids for a short trip. Sometime, we are too focus in work and neglect...
I woke up before dawn on yeterday while many others were still having sweet dreams in a warm bed, the reason of waking up so early was to g...