To be honest, I have done street shooting, still object and macro photography before but I never-never had done any modeling shooting before. (If don't believe, check my photo album in FB)
Off course taking photo of beautiful ladies "got-lah" (better said like that, otherwise all the “beautiful” ladies that I had taken photo before would throw shoe to me .. kekekeke), but I never had a chance of shooting so called professional model that willing to pose for me while I am taking their photos.
But, Last Saturday (21 July 2012) was my lucky day … hahaha
Thank to Olympus Malaysia and the Pen Lovers group(a group that love camera PEN or M4/3 in FB) founder Koon Yik for initiated a photo walk session in downtown Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with the new release of Olympus M.Zuiko 75mm f1.8 lens.
When I arrived to the gathering spot, it was already crowded with many professional photographers and photography enthusiasts (hehehe, I think I fall under the enthusiasts category only). Everyone was happily mingle around to catch up or gossiping with one another. Most talk subject was the newly launch Olympus OMD EM-5 camera.
Wow, I notice from far got a few liang luis (beautiful ladies) seated nearby ….
“Come come come and see, got liang lui woh ..” I said to a friend, “let walk near them to shoot some shots” I suggested.
“Hahaha!!” my friend laughed at me “Why so Kang Cheong lah (in hurry), later we got plenty of time to take their photos…..”
Stupid-me!!, then I realized they are the models of Olympus Malaysia getting for today event ….
"Wow!! … not so bad man" i shouted, I felt excited suddenly, luckily I did not get any nose bleed then .. hahahaha
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday; we have divided into six groups, lead by a leader and headed to 6 different directions. Each group was given one OMD with 75mm lens to test. However, being not getting “Poison”, sorry to Olympus Malaysia that I did not take the opportunity to use the lens. I still using my faithful shooting partner, Pen EPL2 with M.Zuiko 45 MM Lens.
We were lucky that Winnie was assigned to us. Her beautiful look was just like an innocent neighborhood shy-shy girl …
She shyly ask us what pose we would like her to pose .. Oh My Gosh, being a first timer, I kind of hesitate and lost, luckily our leader Chun Chow gave her some tips …. then we started our journey of shooting model.
Then, the scenario of a bunch of men chasing after a pretty girl at the busiest street of Bukit Bintang came into picture(hahaha)
Many people stunned and open their mouths big-big thinking some sort of movie star having photo session at the street.
It was quite fun ……
Then, two Quai Lou (western tourist) saw that, they cannot resist her temptation and they were sportingly joined in ...
After we have warmed up, our model turned proactive, from a shy-shy girl becoming a professional model. She was so good and sporting, she pose professionally and accommodate our demanding requests. She was gracefully accepted our challenges and gave the best of herself ….
Winnie deserves a round of applause.
I still remember we were so excited giving “instruction”, suddenly, don’t know who the idiot, said out “let show a look of angry but happy face …
Kakakakaka !! Hey, how to do a look of angry but happy face …
Walaueh, this also can ah!!?
so we told her to imagine thinking about buying the expensive branded bag and the boy friend hesitated to buy, what should be the look .... hahaha
Look how she did it ...
kakaka, this is how an angry but happy face look like .. LOLs |
I think she is telling us that she is tired and need a rest... so we let her to sit down for a while ....

Bukit Bintang locatedd at the Golden Triangle in downtown Kuala Lumpur, it is an awesome place for photo shooting .... nevertheless, we do encounter some stupid and unhappy moments with so called "authorized" personnel from the shopping mall come and disturb us, both the fahrenheit and Pavilion security guards came out to chase us away. I think both Management of this two places had gone overboard, no doubt the walkway surrounding to the shopping mall is their so called "claimed" ownership, but what wrong for people taking photo over there? (We are not taking photo in the mall, which we usually see a no camera sign sticker at the entrance). We are not obstructing the traffic neither nor we are blocking any people to walk by. In fact those photo that we took will carry their brand names, we in fact doing indirectly publicity and marketing of their shopping mall to the World. Furthermore, the shopping mall is full of tourists, how can you stop people taking photos ....
Stupid!! sorry of my language
Even you tell me is for the commercial reason that stop people spying or stealing some business ideas / design etc ....come on, you better fire your Marketing Manager, only cheap people can think of the cheap way!!!
I really don't understand this type of narrow and brain-less mentality management? Shame on you !!
Nevertheless, we still managed to took some nice photos with Winnie at the "forbidden city".
Wow, it was a awesome day, without long, two hours have passed very fast, so we quickly finished a few shots with one demanding request to get our Winner to do a jump shot with her high heel. Hahaha
Look at this, she managed quite well with her jump shot.
Thank you, Winnie, for becoming model of our group. I do enjoy all the shooting with you :)
We also have a few beautiful models there, so far I only taken a few photos of Berry but not the others, due to limited in time, I only see them from far but didn't have the opportunity to "Kacau" (interact with) them with my camera.
Well, maybe later I can post a few shots of Berry but now ... Wow, so late liao ... time to sleep, tomorrow (ops... rather today) I have to work ....
See you girls next time ...
bye bye ......
The end.
(ops, hope not the end, to be continue)