Time passes very fast. Another 9 days before Chinese New Year. People are busy doing shopping in this festive season. Shopping malls are crowded with people. However, my company hasn't declare Bonus, so I have to wait a bit longer (or patient) and do last minute shopping. I'm still sing the song, "right here waiting ~~".
Recently, I joined a T.T outing on 22 Jan 2011. This group called PEN LOVER, a social group in facebook. The outing trip is not for sightseeing or eating, but is for photography outing. We called it T.T session because the word was originated from teh tarik session but now it has becoming a name referring as photography shooting session.
The PEN LOVER group consists of talented photo enthusiasts who love photography. The prerequisite condition to join this group is to own Olympus Camera, mainly the Olympus PEN series, i.e, model EP1, EP2 and EPL-1, and now the newly launched EPL-2 had also joined in recently.
After I bought my new toy, Olympus EPL-1, I took the Olympus workshop and meet up with the trainer - David Chua, thru his contact, I knew a few other photo enthusiasts in the group and now they had becoming my friends. I was also being “poisoned” by them, from a normal camera user becoming a "so called" photo enthusiast.
T.T session is organized on a regular basis. I missed the last Pulau Ketam T.T in December 2010 due to work commitment. Henceforth, when they organized the T.T outing on 22 January 2011, I told myself "mati-mati" must find time to attend. So, I scheduled my alternate Saturday off day so that I could attend the session.
Finally the day had arrived …. Early in the morning, we meet up at Sadium Medeka car park at 7.30 am, Walau!! that means I have to wake up as earlier as 6.30 am, this is crazy because even my normal day, I don't wake up as such time, it is dam early .… Anyway, if this is not called enthusiasm, I don't know what else should I called ...
For the first time I meet up with other PEN LOVER gangs. Although we used to chat with them on fb, but this was the first time we meet face to face. Needless to say much, with similar interest and common subject matters, we were becoming friends easily, check out the photo taken in Stadium Medeka.
David was giving briefing. He was kind enough to lent out his lenses to every body. |
KY, TJ and Yeow were busy discussing their favourite topic - Camera!! |
First thing, we need to do is to look for breakfast, so we took a group photo before we went and look for food …
Group Photo taken by David Chua. |
Since among our group has Malay, so we are looking for halal mama shop nearby Petaling Street. The journey from Stadium Medeka to Petaling Street (Chinese Town) was quite nearby but we have taken a long time to reach there. It is because we all busy shooting photo on the journey. We stop and shoot, then shoot and stop..… anything along the way had become our victim, be it a tree, people, building and even a leaf etc .. .they all becoming our target… LoL.
Just a simple tree along the tree but turned out refreshing in an early morning. |
With Depth of Field between blur and sharp - made the photo looked nicer. |
Even in the restaurant, we are having fun. David had a friend who joined us, the only different is that he is a Canon user, as if the only human in the alien Planet Mar, he obviously being the victim target by all the aliens…
Look at his poor Canon, being surround by the enemies, Olympus cemeras. I think this is the first history in Malaysia that the Canon was out number by the Olympus. hahahaha..
Photo taken by Robin Wong |
Even the owner of Canon, being surrounded by the Pen lovers … He became our shooting target…. LOL. Look how enthusiastic and patriotic about the brand name.. haha. BTW, we do enjoy each other company and just a few "kids" are having fun there ...
After the breakfast, we have broken into smaller group to walk around KL. I joined Yeow’s group that covered the Majlis Jamek routh… Yeow was a nice guy, he lending his beloved panny lens to me, the Panosonic 20mm f1.7 pancake lens. And he change heart his belove (pass it for me to molest... ><"). He was using his new love (see how fast man change heart), the Pentax Lensbaby of 25mm f1.4…
wow.. The Panny is really a good lens with wide aperture. The subject is sharp and clear. Because of the larger aperture which is f1.7, the bokeh (background) of the photo is excellent, it becoming blur blur feel….
They all tease me for being poison by Yeow … because I felt like buy one for myself…
If you own a mirco four third camera, you many consider this lens. Although it is Panosonic, but it work well with Olympus Pen camera. You may check some of the photo in flickr that to see how great is the lens.
The journey is very fruitful, I have too hundred over picture and I have selected to post in the flickr. If you are interested, please just click one of the photo up there and it will link to the site.